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Thursday 15 July 2010

Kings Heath Train Care Facility Awarded Gold

ISS Transport at Kings Heath Train Care Facility was recently presented with their Gold Flag award for achieving a 100% score on a flag audit completed 4th June 2010 for the second year in a row. The audits provide a consistent benchmarked measure of safety performance and it is a significant accomplishment to achieve the top score. For this amazing result the site has demonstrated dedicated business compliance and continued commitment to improving health and safety with a range of innovative measures. The ISS Transport employees at Kings Heath Train Care Facility can be extremely proud of their achievement as the site is the first over ground Gold Flag site. The Gold Flag Certificate was presented by Ivan Shiels, ISS Transport Operations Manager to the client represented by Gordon Vigo, Siemens Maintenance Manager who personally distributed ‘golden’ badges to all ISS employees on site.
Wayne Goldsmith – Operations Director Transport said, “This is a fantastic achievement and a just award for a team so dedicated and focused on delivering the highest level of Health and Safety. I look forward to seeing what this team can deliver next as it is them that set the bar”.

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