
Welcome to ISS Staffpoint – The Online Community for all ISS Transport Employees.

The aim of the blog is to share news, ideas and interact between all ISS Transport contracts throughout UK. Recent posts will be uploaded on the front page; all other articles can be found in the archive by month, subject or contract in the right side of the page. Comments can be added by clicking ‘Comments’ at the bottom of each post. Got any interesting news you want to share with your ISS Transport colleagues? Contact Admin.


Thursday 15 July 2010

New Survey launching 26th July 2010

Kings Heath Train Care Facility Officially Recognized as Transport Centre of Excellence

On 1st July 2010 Kings Heath Train Care Facility Northampton was officially recognized as Centre of Excellence for ISS Facility Services, Transport, supported by Siemens Mobility. With its central location, great achievements and reliable contract Kings Heath Train Care Facility is the ideal site for a centre of the business where best practices are established by testing and assessing, and shared amongst all Transport contracts with a consistent flow of information. As part of the Centre of Excellence Project, several innovative activities have already been initiated at Kings Heath Train Care Facility: BICSc accredited training of operatives for Rolling Stock, courses for supervisors and team leaders to develop personally and within their roles in the company and the development of the Sharepoint Web including a blog available for employees without ISS email user accounts. With the Centre of Excellence, Transport at Kings Heath Train Care Facility aspires to develop the business in aspects of health and safety, training and teamwork.
The Centre of Excellence plaque was presented to Gordon Virgo, Siemens Maintenance Manager by Ivan Shiels, ISS Transport Operations Manager and Ian Johnson, Contract Manager at Kings Heath Train Care Facility. The client Siemens have been very supportive of the project and are excited to be the setting for the innovation and improvement of the services offered by ISS Transport.
Wayne Goldsmith Operations Director stated “This is the type of innovation that sets ISS apart from our competitors. Working in partnership with our clients to deliver their key business needs whilst engaging with our staff to think differently and whilst enabling them to be apart of the process. A truly remarkable concept. Well done”

Kings Heath Train Care Facility Awarded Gold

ISS Transport at Kings Heath Train Care Facility was recently presented with their Gold Flag award for achieving a 100% score on a flag audit completed 4th June 2010 for the second year in a row. The audits provide a consistent benchmarked measure of safety performance and it is a significant accomplishment to achieve the top score. For this amazing result the site has demonstrated dedicated business compliance and continued commitment to improving health and safety with a range of innovative measures. The ISS Transport employees at Kings Heath Train Care Facility can be extremely proud of their achievement as the site is the first over ground Gold Flag site. The Gold Flag Certificate was presented by Ivan Shiels, ISS Transport Operations Manager to the client represented by Gordon Vigo, Siemens Maintenance Manager who personally distributed ‘golden’ badges to all ISS employees on site.
Wayne Goldsmith – Operations Director Transport said, “This is a fantastic achievement and a just award for a team so dedicated and focused on delivering the highest level of Health and Safety. I look forward to seeing what this team can deliver next as it is them that set the bar”.

Thursday 1 April 2010

East Midlands Trains unveil their new Maintenance Facility

The new facility is designed for the maintenance of the 222 fleet maintained by Bombardier. This has allowed major refurbishment work to be carried out on the current facility. The intention is to maintain the 15 X fleet and also to provide an internal facility for train cleaning and under framing, a new office development and rest rooms for all staff. Photos to follow when completed. It is expected to be fully operational within the next 6 months
This article was provided by Dave Bailey, Contract Manager East Midlands Trains, Derby.

Monday 29 March 2010

Contract Manager receives award for collecting most for BHF

Having raised a total of £1050 between his two contracts at Kings Heath, Northampton and Heathrow Express, London, Ian Johnson was the manager contributing the most to the corporate charity event ‘Red for Heart’ on 25th February 2010.

To avoid interference with the railway signal colours the day was modified to ‘wear pink-day’ at both sites. A lot of events were organised to drive donations into the charity with great contributions of staff and support from the client, Siemens.

On 25th March Ian was awarded with a certificate from British Heart Foundation thanking him for his efforts and a prize from the Company.

Pictured below is Ian Johnson being handed his prize, an Ipod Touch engraved ‘BHF Best Contract 2010 Presented to Ian Johnson’, by Operations Manager Ivan Shiels. Pictures from the event are available in the archive.

Thursday 4 March 2010

ISS Kings Heath loves Fresh Clean!

Our Train Presentation team first tried Freshclean in August 2009. Since then the product has been implemented for use in of several areas on trains as well as train depots. With this product delivering remarkable results in floor buffing machines and carpet skimmers there seems to be no limit to the usefulness of Freshclean leaving every surface spotless. However, from experience we know that it does not matter how clean an area is if it is not reflected by its odour. Any bad smells lingering will always give the impression of the area being unclean. Hence we are very satisfied with Freshclean providing a long lasting fresh odour to improve the perception of the cleanliness of i.e. train toilets and motivate customers to keep them that way.

Our employees have each received training by a Freshclean representative and been granted certificates of competence in the use of the product. This ensures a safe, efficient work practice which reduces unnecessary waste. For this reason Freshclean is also more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than other products.

The stylish looking powder tubs are light and practical for storage and with scoops and user guides supplied Freshclean is easy and pleasant to use. RJN always provides excellent and personal service, altogether a fresh approach to the cleaning industry!