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Monday 29 March 2010

Contract Manager receives award for collecting most for BHF

Having raised a total of £1050 between his two contracts at Kings Heath, Northampton and Heathrow Express, London, Ian Johnson was the manager contributing the most to the corporate charity event ‘Red for Heart’ on 25th February 2010.

To avoid interference with the railway signal colours the day was modified to ‘wear pink-day’ at both sites. A lot of events were organised to drive donations into the charity with great contributions of staff and support from the client, Siemens.

On 25th March Ian was awarded with a certificate from British Heart Foundation thanking him for his efforts and a prize from the Company.

Pictured below is Ian Johnson being handed his prize, an Ipod Touch engraved ‘BHF Best Contract 2010 Presented to Ian Johnson’, by Operations Manager Ivan Shiels. Pictures from the event are available in the archive.

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